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BlueRock Makes the Fast 100 for the Third Year Running!

4 min read
We’re beyond excited to announce we’ve placed 87th in the Australian Financial Review’s Fast 100 in 2019. We’ve once again been recognised as one of the fastest-growing companies in Australia. And how have we done it? Great people, innovative products and services and sound processes. And on top of all that, caring for our community. That’s how.

While it certainly feels like we’ve been around forever, in the grand scheme of things BlueRock is a relative baby at only twelve years old. A huge part of why we’ve made the cut for the Fast 100 once again is our people. We’re a company by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. Our team and our client base are made up of innovators who will never settle for the status quo and are always looking for ways to do things better.

What’s the Fast 100?

The Fast 100 is the Australian Financial Review’s annual ranking of the 100 fastest growing companies in Australia. Fast 100 companies are ranked according to their annual average growth rate across the last three years. In 2018, we ranked 85th , and this year we’ve landed at 87 . Here are a few of the reasons why we’ve made the list.

We empower our BlueRockers to aim high

It goes without saying that we couldn’t do it without our BlueRockers. They’re the ideas-people, the rule-breakers, the relationship-holders, and the ones on the ground getting it done.

We know that you get out what you put in, which is why we strive to build a workplace that’s fun, ambitious and rewarding. In return, we get motivated and engaged BlueRockers that work hard and deliver outstanding outcomes for our clients. It’s a pretty simple recipe really, and it's one of the reasons we were voted as the 4th best place to work in Australia in 2018.

We don’t just talk the talk when it comes to caring for our employees, we most certainly walk the walk too. Our BlueRockers get free lunch twice a week, can break up their days with a hit of simulated golf, and enjoy a raft of social and team-building events throughout the year.

But we do more than just look after our employees, we also like to push them, both inside and outside of work. We love it when staff have new ideas and we encourage them to pursue them with vigour. It’s this ambition and freedom to do things differently that has driven our growth, as our BlueRockers are empowered to seize exciting opportunities with both hands.

We’re always looking for new opportunities

At BlueRock we have our fingers in a lot of different pies. We’re a multidisciplinary entrepreneurial firm with expertise across all areas of owning and running a business or managing your personal wealth. From private wealth to digital , we’ve got everything our clients need all under one roof.

Each division drives its own vision and works towards its own goals, which gives our teams the freedom to innovate and pursue their big ideas without the bureaucracy you might expect from a professional services firm. But we’ve always got each other’s backs, looking out for opportunities for our co-workers and our clients and collaborating across teams to provide a holistic service that covers every aspect of our clients’ businesses.

We also have a number of innovative start-ups that work under our umbrella. Brauz works with retailers to make online shopping easier and uses advanced analytics, big data and complex algorithms to solve location-based problems for the property industry. We put our support behind these innovative start-ups because we know that’s where the big opportunities are.

BlueRock EMT is our newest venture and you’ll be hard-pressed to find something similar anywhere else. Designed exclusively for Asia Pacific’s entertainment, media and technology (EMT) industries, BlueRock EMT provides highly specialised legal and corporate finance advisory services with a focus on mergers and acquisitions and capital raising for small and medium-sized enterprises through to middle-market EMT companies. We’re so excited about this new division and the opportunities it will create for our clients.

We recognise the power of automation

But no matter how many big ideas you have, we know you can’t sustain a business unless you get your processes right (what else would you expect from a bunch of accountants?) That’s why we put a lot of stock in refining our operations. We leverage technology to make our business better, faster and more efficient so we can spend less time on spreadsheets and more time on our clients.

We’ve automated many key processes - we use Xero to help make our clients’ lives easier, and WorkflowMax to track our work from quote through to delivery. Leveraging technology to improve our processes helped us bring in over 700 new clients and hold over 4000 meetings in 2019 alone. It’s one reason we’re able to support so many businesses to achieve their goals.

Want to be a part of the BlueRock community?

If you need advice on any aspect of running a business or you’d simply like to learn more about being a part of the BlueRock community, get in touch!

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