Leave a lasting legacy through philanthropy

Make a purposeful impact for generations to come and leave a lasting legacy through your family or business with a cost-effective philanthropic strategy. We'll help you support the charities you care about by providing an enduring revenue stream through invested capital and annual distributions, that grow your giving over time, instead of one-off donations.

Our expert advisors support your entire philanthropy journey, from structuring your giving to achieve maximum benefit with minimum admin and compliance, to helping your family or business decide which causes and charities to support.

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What we do

Wealth Philanthropy CTA

About the Be BlueRock Foundation

We established the Be BlueRock Foundation to give individuals and organisations a simple, cost-effective and tax-effective way to establish their own Named Giving Fund with the support of a broader foundation, so they can distribute funds to charities of their choice over time for maximum impact.
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  • Corporate Philanthropy Client Quote

    "All we have to do is basically fund the account and guide it with our goals and objectives."

    We chose to set up a Named Giving Fund with BlueRock purely because they're a great provider in the philanthropy space. Being a low-cost option and very administratively friendly for families or organisations like ours, it was an easy decision.

    Craig Ferguson

Wealth Philanthropy CTA2

Join a Purpose-led Community

While we place a strong commercial lens on everything we do, at our heart we're a B Corp that defines success through the positive impact we have on our people, clients, community and the environment. Being a B Corporation requires a rigorous certification process, and is something BlueRock has taken seriously since becoming one of Australia's first professional services firms to be certified, back in 2017.


Modern Philanthropy: Making an Impact in New and Innovative Ways
3 min read
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